Getting The Love You Want Workshop

Official Imago Relationship course for couples in Tavares, Florida, and surrounding areas.
In Person Only During Our Training Period.

This popular two-day workshop helps you understand your relationship better and become more closely connected.

The Workshop and its contents are based on the best-selling book “Getting The Love You Want” featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show.

  • Suitable for any type or stage of relationship.
  • Delivered in over 20 countries worldwide.
  • Estimated to be worth 7 months of therapy.
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image of a woman and man

What Can I Expect in the GTLYW Workshop?

We cover a variety of topics designed to improve communication and the connection you experience through dialogue. It includes:

  • Relationship Stages
  • Eliminating Negativity and Bad Communication Habits
  • Lost Parts of the Self
  • Healing Old Wounds
  • Recommitment and Real Love
  • And more, more, more…

There is a range of activities including lectures, exercises, and group discussion.

Please note this is an education workshop, not in-depth therapy. It is a great place to begin creating a deeper and more meaningful connection of joyful aliveness!


Ian Tomlinson: